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Our Mission

Our mission is to care of the people who care for cats by making cat care safer and easier. We do this by elevating litter pans off the floor, ensuring the safety of pets and owners, and reducing joint strain for cat caregivers.

Wheelchair accessible litter box

Cat owners, it's time to put your health first. Elevating the litter box ensures safety for your cats and makes life safer and more convenient for caregivers. Keep litter boxes out of reach for dogs and children, as they belong off the floor.

Our goal is to make life easier and more accessible for all - for both cats and their humans. 

Cats know we can do better.

No bending over to clean litter box

Raised Litter Box 

Your support means the world to us as we strive to grow our small business and make a difference in the lives of cat owners. Together, we can create a meaningful impact and ensure that people can care for their beloved feline friends safely and independently. We deeply appreciate your ongoing support in helping us reach more customers and expand our reach. Thank you for being a part of our journey to empower millions of cat owners.

off the floor cat litter box for people with arthritis and joint pain raised cat litter box with storage stand to clean cat litter box sit to clean cat litter box best cat litter box for eldery old people cat litter box to keep dogs out of cat litter keep baby out of cat litter cat litter box with storage
best elevated litter box

Houston, we have a problem. 

Cat owners who cannot bend over or get on their knees cannot thoroughly clean the litter box when it’s on the ground, leaving the owner and cat with potential health hazards. Millions of cat owners are older adults with mobility issues and common disabilities that make bending over and kneeling impossible, especially with advanced aging. An owner with mobility issues caring for a cat with a litter box requires frequent bending and kneeling.

The need.

Current litter box furniture designs are enclosed and made for the litter box to be on the floor or lower level, making it difficult or impossible for cat owners with mobility issues to care for their cats. Many solutions have been created to reduce this issue, such as complex, mechanical litter box lifting systems, which have disadvantages for people with mobility issues.​

wheelchair accessible cat litter box keeps dogs out of cat litter best cat litter box for old people best cat litter box for people with arthritis elevated cat litter box keeps cat litter out of reach of babiesraised cat litter box with storage stand to clean cat litter box sit to clean cat litter box cat litter box for people with arthritis
wheelchair accessible cat litter box best cat litter box for old people elevated cat litter box for people with joint pain and arthritis raised cat litter box with storage stand to clean cat litter box sit to clean cat litter box cat litter box for people with arthritis

Help keep cats and their owners healthy and happy!

Cat Owner Stats:

  • 46 Million adults age 65 and older living in the U.S.

  • 46.5 Million US households own at least one cat.

  • 1 Million people living in a senior living community in the U.S. That number is expected to double in the next 7 years.

  • 50 Million adults suffer from some kind of Arthritis.

  • 28 Million orthopedic surgeries annually in the US.

  • 6.8 Million community-resident Americans use assistive devices to assist with mobility.

For more information on cat stats, visit and support the World Animal Foundation here

Arthritis is the nation’s #1 cause of disability, affecting nearly 60 million adults and 300,000 children. It’s important we take action to help those affected. We are also proud to be able to give back to cat shelters which are currently housing more than 2 million cats nationwide. Please join us in making a positive impact!

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